With the rising incidents of carjackings, car safes, and theft, you will find an increasing number of people asking about the importance of a bump key lock. What is it? How does it help you? How do you get one?
A bump key is used to add extra security to a door or a lock. Locksmith adds a special chip to the door, which cannot be duplicated – making it useless if someone has the code to know how to open it. How do you get one? There are two ways to get a bump key. You can get it from a locksmith, of course, or you can make one yourself using parts from an old lock or keys. Here we will look at both.
To get your own bump key, you will need to have access to a locksmith. Unfortunately, this is not always possible. Locksmiths work on a very busy basis, and their availability may well change. If they are not available, then you will need to find other means.

One alternative is to duplicate the key for your door. This might seem like a tricky business to someone who knows nothing about bump keys. But it can be done. All you need to do is take a single part of the original lock, cut it with a knife, and solder the two pieces. Once done, you will have a working bump key!
The other way to get your own bump key is by calling around and asking for a provider of residential locks services. This option has the advantage that you will know exactly where to go when looking for someone. However, it may also come at a price. Most locksmiths do charge a fee to install a lock, and if you are unable to do the work yourself, you will need to pay for the service. This fee can add up considerably.

A cheaper alternative to finding a locksmith to provide bump key protection is to use the internet. Several companies offer this type of security, and they should be able to give you a quote online. It may take a few calls for them to obtain the service for your needs, but it is a great alternative as it is not expensive.
As with all types of security products, you must ensure that you buy the correct product for your needs. Some products are not suitable for domestic use. They are often unsuitable for domestic applications because they are not strong enough to withstand the amount of pressure exerted. In such cases, they may not be the right choice. If you have an emergency or you need to protect your property, then you should always consider the various options and then select the appropriate products for your needs.
It is important that you select a qualified and licensed locksmith. If you were to choose an off-the-shelf keypad lock from a supermarket, then you could easily find yourself in trouble should you need to make a replacement. The locksmith you choose should be fully authorized to install locks, and he or she should have relevant experience in bump key protection. You must research the locksmith you are using and ask for a reference to check that they have a good reputation within the industry.
A bump key-proof lock system can be installed easily. It does require some effort on your part, but it can also save money in the long run by preventing the unnecessary use of a cheap lock. This type of lock is particularly suitable for single-cylinder locks that are on doors that open inwards. Most locksmiths will recommend that you fit the locks to your door and allow them to be drilled into the framework before mounting the lock plate. However, if you want to go down the DIY route, it is possible to simultaneously mount the lock and keyhole.
Once you have selected and mounted the locks, you can then fit a bump key-proof lock plate onto the exterior side. You can either have one plate for the exterior or have two or more placed on different doors. This ensures that you provide extra protection for the doors by making them harder for burglars to gain access to. The plates are fitted over the normal locks and keyholes on the door.
If you want to use this type of lock for interior doors, it is important to choose stronger than the standard locks. You should choose a bump key proof type that is at least eight times stronger than the standard type of lock for exterior locks. Most locks on exterior doors can be opened using a standard hammer, but these locks need to be hit by a solid metal strike to prove their authenticity. If the locks are hit by a soft hitting tool such as a crowbar or a kitchen chisel, they can still be opened but will take much longer to do so.